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Words that Almost Rhyme with snuffy ears
1 syllable
- airs
- ares
- bares
- bars
- bears
- blurs
- boars
- boers
- boors
- bores
- bors
- burrs
- byres
- cares
- cars
- chairs
- chars
- choirs
- chores
- cores
- crores
- cures
- czars
- dares
- doors
- drawers
- dures
- errs
- fairs
- fares
- firs
- flares
- fleurs
- floors
- fores
- fors
- fours
- furs
- furze
- gars
- glares
- gores
- hairs
- hares
- heirs
- jars
- lairs
- lars
- lures
- lyres
- mares
- mars
- mers
- mires
- moors
- nares
- noirs
- oars
- ores
- pairs
- pares
- pars
- pears
- phares
- pores
- pours
- prayers
- roars
- sars
- scares
- scars
- scores
- shares
- shires
- shores
- sires
- sirs
- slurs
- snares
- snores
- soars
- sores
- spares
- spars
- spores
- spurs
- squares
- stairs
- stares
- stars
- stirs
- stores
- sures
- swears
- tears
- theirs
- theres
- vars
- vires
- wares
- wars
- wears
- whores
- yours
- blares
- bures
- carrs
- chares
- dowers
- duars
- eyres
- feres
- gyres
- hoars
- lehrs
- murres
- nairs
- parrs
- pures
- purrs
- weres
- wheres
- -phores
- -ures
- bahrs
- barres
- beurres
- birrs
- buhrs
- charrs
- chirrs
- chirs
- chlors
- churrs
- claires
- cuirs
- currs
- dorres
- dorrs
- durres
- flairs
- flurrs
- furrs
- gerres
- girrs
- glaires
- glairs
- glores
- gluers
- gnarrs
- gnars
- goors
- guhrs
- gurrs
- haars
- harrs
- hures
- jures
- jurs
- keurs
- khairs
- knurs
- lares
- leirs
- loirs
- maars
- maires
- mohrs
- moires
- mures
- murrs
- myrrhs
- narrs
- prores
- puers
- purres
- schurz
- scurs
- shar's
- shirrs
- skars
- skirrs
- skyrs
- smurrs
- soors
- spires
- splores
- spoors
- squirrs
- stours
- tarres
- there's
- torrs
- tours
- vairs
- whirrs
- whirs
- wirrs
- yairs
- yarrs
- yores
- z-scores
2 syllables
- abhors
- admires
- adores
- affaires
- affairs
- assures
- auteurs
- bazaars
- brochures
- bulgars
- chauffeurs
- cigars
- compares
- concurs
- confers
- crosshairs
- declares
- defers
- demurs
- deplores
- despairs
- deters
- detours
- downstairs
- endures
- ensures
- explores
- flexures
- forbears
- guitars
- ignores
- impairs
- implores
- incurs
- infers
- inspires
- insures
- inures
- kaffirs
- kafirs
- liqueurs
- manures
- matures
- messieurs
- nervures
- obscures
- occurs
- oospores
- outdoors
- parterres
- prefers
- prepares
- procures
- recurs
- refers
- repairs
- restores
- retires
- rigours
- secours
- secures
- seigneurs
- succours
- transfers
- upstairs
- vapours
- zoospores
- afars
- allures
- attires
- bugbears
- coheirs
- coiffures
- couleurs
- debars
- eclairs
- grandeurs
- gravures
- hachures
- jagirs
- jongleurs
- nightjars
- perspires
- portieres
- quatorze
- sardars
- senores
- sonars
- sporophores
- trapdoors
- velars
- velours
- voyeurs
- achores
- acores
- adoors
- adzhars
- airstairs
- ajars
- alares
- all-stars
- alures
- alurs
- alvars
- antbears
- apars
- araires
- arbores
- asarhs
- asthores
- asturs
- aurores
- azores
- backshores
- baignoires
- base-pairs
- basse-cours
- bed-shares
- belars
- beltirs
- bestirs
- bewhores
- bezoars
- bhabars
- bijars
- birhors
- bispores
- bizarres
- blazars
- blue-hairs
- bohors
- bookfairs
- broadshares
- cahors
- calcars
- calvaires
- cantars
- capshores
- carfours
- cathairs
- causeurs
- cesures
- chakars
- chanteurs
- chi-squares
- chokebores
- clangours
- claqueurs
- co-heirs
- co-stars
- coiffeurs
- conteurs
- contrairs
- conures
- cooccurs
- cougnars
- couloirs
- coutures
- crinieres
- danseurs
- decores
- deer's-hairs
- deerhairs
- dehwars
- denars
- derrieres
- disbars
- diseurs
- dogshores
- dortours
- doublures
- drahthaars
- drawbores
- ecphores
- ensnares
- epures
- exmoors
- fahlerz
- faitours
- farceurs
- fixures
- flaneurs
- forespores
- forestairs
- foreswears
- forswears
- fortescures
- four-oars
- fraischeurs
- friseurs
- frondeurs
- fubars
- funfairs
- ghaffirs
- gifblaars
- gramaryes
- grandsirs
- guetares
- guipures
- gyplures
- hang-fairs
- hardcores
- hauteurs
- horn-cores
- horsehairs
- hot-wires
- housedoors
- invars
- jaghirs
- jenoars
- jump-scares
- jumpscares
- kadirs
- kahars
- kajars
- kakars
- kakurs
- kanwars
- kefirs
- khanjars
- khozars
- kikars
- knight's-stars
- koombars
- languors
- lazars
- longueurs
- lontars
- machars
- maftirs
- maid's-hairs
- maipures
- makores
- malars
- malheurs
- mandurs
- mangars
- manoirs
- markhoors
- mazdoors
- mazurs
- metayers
- midairs
- mimbars
- minbars
- mindshares
- montures
- morsures
- mouchoirs
- mouillures
- mud-stars
- mudirs
- musars
- nahoors
- nightchurrs
- oophores
- outdares
- outpours
- outroars
- outscores
- outsoars
- outstares
- outswears
- pair-oars
- part-scores
- parures
- pasars
- peignoirs
- perdures
- piqueurs
- pismires
- pit-pairs
- pledgors
- plexures
- pochoirs
- pomorze
- poseurs
- prenares
- prescores
- prestores
- primeurs
- proneurs
- psywars
- purpures
- quatuors
- rainwears
- rancours
- raptores
- rebores
- redrawers
- regurs
- rehires
- rescores
- retours
- ride-shares
- rizzars
- roburs
- rockhairs
- rondures
- rongeurs
- roundures
- safars
- sambars
- samburs
- sanars
- sancerres
- sangirs
- sansars
- sap-drawers
- sappares
- sarsars
- saulteurs
- seafloors
- set-fairs
- siffleurs
- sitars
- slide-wires
- smoothbores
- sobors
- sodars
- sportswears
- stagiaires
- stolkjaerres
- stromuhrs
- subfloors
- takhaars
- tammars
- tamures
- taraires
- terrars
- three-squares
- time-shares
- tiqueurs
- tizeurs
- tonsures
- tortieres
- tourtieres
- townwears
- traiteurs
- transires
- tricars
- trotteurs
- trouveurs
- unbars
- unhairs
- unmoors
- unpairs
- unwares
- upbears
- upflares
- upsoars
- upstirs
- veneurs
- verdures
- vigours
- viveurs
- waftures
- weltschmerz
- wildbores
- wiredrawers
- withdrawers
- zaffars
- zaffirs
- zoochores
3 syllables
- ascospores
- billionaires
- chromophores
- colporteurs
- connoisseurs
- guarantors
- isobars
- micropores
- microspores
- millionaires
- questionnaires
- rapporteurs
- reassures
- saboteurs
- semaphores
- sinecures
- superstars
- unawares
- underscores
- voyageurs
- annexures
- decemvirs
- doctrinaires
- endospores
- epicures
- gonophores
- kilobars
- macropores
- megaspores
- photophores
- prematures
- protostars
- scimitars
- tetraspores
- voltigeurs
- zygospores
- aboospores
- abovestairs
- accoucheurs
- acropores
- acrospores
- aerobars
- allophores
- almemars
- amphispores
- androspores
- antechoirs
- anthophores
- antiars
- apikores
- archespores
- armentieres
- arrectores
- arthropleures
- arthrospores
- ascophores
- autocars
- autopores
- autospores
- auxospores
- bataleurs
- bazigars
- belowstairs
- biochores
- biophores
- blackamoors
- blastophores
- blastopores
- blastospores
- bonbonnieres
- boutonnieres
- braconnieres
- bricoleurs
- caballers
- calabars
- camoufleurs
- canephores
- caracores
- cargadores
- carpophores
- carpospores
- carrefours
- censitaires
- centibars
- cessionaires
- chinawares
- chlamyphores
- chondrophores
- clair-obscures
- clare-obscures
- climatures
- co-occurs
- co-transfers
- coinsures
- collophores
- cordelieres
- corsetieres
- cotransfers
- countermures
- craniophores
- criophores
- croque-monsieurs
- cubitieres
- cucullares
- cuisinieres
- cutidures
- cystophores
- cystospores
- cytophores
- debouchures
- devil's-hairs
- dictyospores
- dinotheres
- disrepairs
- duumvirs
- ebauchoirs
- ecotours
- ekphores
- embouchures
- engendures
- entrefers
- enverdures
- epispores
- evejars
- exospores
- expansures
- extincteurs
- ferronieres
- ferronnieres
- fit-and-flares
- fonctionnaires
- fontionnaires
- foredoors
- frigidaires
- garconnieres
- gastropores
- gemmipares
- get-of-sires
- go-ashores
- gonopores
- guanophores
- gulmohars
- gulmohurs
- gymnospores
- gynophores
- gynospores
- gyrocars
- handgravures
- hormospores
- hydrochores
- hydrophores
- hypnospores
- in-a-doors
- insessores
- irrepairs
- isochores
- isogyres
- isospores
- jardinieres
- jemadars
- kieselguhrs
- kilovars
- koh-i-noors
- laisser-faires
- laissez-faires
- leucophores
- lipophores
- locavores
- lophophores
- lupanars
- lycophores
- lyre-guitars
- macrospores
- maidenhairs
- malabars
- malguzars
- mattamores
- megabars
- melangeurs
- mermaid's-hairs
- merospores
- mesospores
- messeigneurs
- microbars
- migraineurs
- millefleurs
- millepores
- minibars
- minicars
- mitospores
- mittelschmerz
- monospores
- mousquetaires
- myophores
- myrrhophores
- nagkassars
- nectophores
- nephropores
- neuropores
- never-weres
- nonconcurs
- octospores
- oklabars
- osmophores
- out-of-doors
- overbears
- overcures
- overdoors
- overscores
- overshares
- oversoars
- oversquares
- palampoors
- palampores
- palicars
- panachures
- paraspores
- pasticheurs
- paulospores
- pensionnaires
- perispores
- persifleurs
- pescadores
- phaeospores
- phonophores
- phragmospores
- phyllophores
- physophores
- pinbefores
- planospores
- pleiobars
- polyspores
- preparateurs
- procureurs
- prosateurs
- pseudopores
- pycnospores
- pylagores
- raconteurs
- ramoneurs
- rasophores
- re-explores
- re-occurs
- reacquires
- recompares
- reconfers
- reexplores
- regisseurs
- regulares
- reinsures
- rejoindures
- remontoires
- renifleurs
- reoccurs
- resecures
- restauranteurs
- retransfers
- retrochoirs
- rhasophores
- rhinophores
- rhizophores
- rhynchophores
- root-mean-squares
- ryotwars
- sabreurs
- saddle-wires
- salampores
- salempores
- samovars
- scapulares
- scolecospores
- scolophores
- secretaires
- self-despairs
- self-insures
- septemvirs
- sexupares
- sherramoors
- solitaires
- souteneurs
- splanchnopleures
- statospores
- stylospores
- synclinores
- tamanoirs
- tawny-moors
- tortoise-cores
- toucouleurs
- tregetours
- trichopores
- trochophores
- trophophores
- tubinares
- tucunares
- underdrawers
- underhairs
- undershores
- undersquares
- unprepares
- unrepairs
- widow's-tears
- wirehairs
- withoutdoors
- xanthophores
- yukaghirs
- zillionaires
- zygoneures
- zygophores
4 syllables
- chlamydospores
- chromatophores
- concessionaires
- entrepreneurs
- melanophores
- photogravures
- provocateurs
- restaurateurs
- aeciospores
- arbitrageurs
- ctenophores
- ionophores
- litterateurs
- spermatophores
- teleutospores
- teliospores
- uredospores
- acanthopores
- actinophores
- agamospores
- aleurospores
- alkavervirs
- almacantars
- almucantars
- amortisseurs
- anemochores
- animateurs
- anisospores
- aplanospores
- artogravures
- atriopores
- azygospores
- bazillionaires
- bethlehem's-stars
- calon-segurs
- calycophores
- carillonneurs
- caveators
- chlamydophores
- collaborateurs
- colorgravures
- colour-gravures
- commanditaires
- commissionaires
- conformateurs
- contraflexures
- countersecures
- couturieres
- dactylopores
- elasmotheres
- embryophores
- erythrophores
- escargotieres
- franc-tireurs
- galactophores
- gametophores
- gazillionaires
- gynecophores
- hymenophores
- intercompares
- intrapreneurs
- iridophores
- kelb-el-bahrs
- liquidambars
- lithogravures
- macrozoospores
- makiritares
- megazoospores
- microzoospores
- odontophores
- odoriphores
- odorophores
- ommatophores
- omphalopleures
- onychophores
- ophthalmophores
- opinionaires
- opinionnaires
- orbiculares
- ostracophores
- paradoxures
- parthenospores
- phytobezoars
- pilibezoars
- plume-of-navarres
- pneumatophores
- pterygophores
- pycniospores
- pyrogravures
- quindecemvirs
- radiophares
- ready-to-wears
- repetiteurs
- retinophores
- rotogravures
- salmanazars
- scolopophores
- siphonophores
- societaires
- solopreneurs
- somatopleures
- spermatiophores
- stereopairs
- supersedures
- synoptophores
- technopreneurs
- thermostromuhrs
- tobinamburs
- trichobezoars
- trois-rivieres
- tuberculares
- zygozoospores
5 syllables
- conidiophores
- basidiospores
- multimillionaires
- sporangiophores
- urediniospores
- adjudicataires
- aecidiospores
- aleuriospores
- antimacassars
- basidiophores
- blastoneuropores
- centimillionaires
- cnidophores
- coccolithophores
- conglomerateurs
- conidiospores
- heliogravures
- infrascapulares
- labiovelars
- multi-millionaires
- multibillionaires
- nephridiopores
- palatovelars
- polyplacophores
- pterygiophores
- pycnidiospores
- sporangiospores
- superbillionaires
- supermillionaires
- uraniumaires
- urediospores
- xantholeucophores